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Four Adjectives for your Ideal Polis + An Image

anon 0x2bd said in #1866 10mo ago: 44

Like it says on the tin, use four adjectives that best describe your ideal polis. Include a picture on this imageboard.

Here's mine: Regenerative, Brutal, Slow, Divine

Like it says on the 44

anon 0x2be said in #1867 10mo ago: 33

Well as it happens I was just having this conversation with one of you earlier today on the phone. I even wrote down some of my answer (in a different form which I may post soon). Let's go! Here's mine:

> Intellectually Sovereign. My polis takes developing its own worldview as its highest priority. False consciousness and ignorance lead to slavery. Therefore study of nature, study of reason, study of one's own interests, and dismantling of the lies of the masses are necessary subjects. This is the virtue of philosophy.

> Reverent. Reason cannot answer the most fundamental questions of outlook, which must instead be answered by instinct, tradition, and revelation. We should vigorously debate these to drive out superstition, but must recognize that no polis can survive irony-poisoned cynicism. We must take a leap of faith to live and die by our reverent instincts for the transcendent. This is the virtue of faith.

> Ambitious. Wisdom exists for the sake of accomplishment. Ambitious action is necessary to the good life. The best place to be is riding the cutting edge of cosmic history, building the future to your pattern, being selected by God. My polis errs on the side of boldness of vision and going deep to act on the fundamental questions.

> Wholesome. Life is only possible by the continuation of proven ways of being. Healthy, wholesome, beautiful, and fertile human life is the foundation of all other ambition, and the backstop against failure. Primarily this means the timeless ways of good breeding and healthy living.

How can I possibly summarize this with a single image? All I know is it needs some kind of aestheticized alien power core of moral un-correlation somewhere in the deep halls of the central palace.

Well as it happens I 33

anon 0x2bf said in #1868 10mo ago: 22

I am not creative enough. Sanitary, holy, convenient, and regulated. Picture from the Pyongyang Athletic Equipment Factory

I am not creative en 22

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