anon 0x3d4 said in #2336 2mo ago:
With the election of some new more moderate folks into SF government and a more tractable national ideological climate, a bunch of us seem to be thinking the same thing: lets develop a new politics for san francisco. SF is uniquely upstream so this is also a great platform to influence the national future as well.
My vision here is pretty simple: lets get together monthly or weekly in SF to eat, drink, and scheme SF’s future. We will invite the sharpest intellectuals, civic organizers, and tech executors to pool their ideas and resources to make things happen. The platform can be really simple to start with: we want to build lots of housing, transit, industry, etc. We want public order, an end to public sector corruption, and streamlined everything. What produces great results for a city is not rocket science.
The hard part and the real meat of it is the organizing and fighting and the coalition that comes out of that. How does one actually make such things happen? Again my first pass is simple: start by getting people in a room and brainstorming. Keep in mind ultimately that this stuff comes down to organized willpower and effective execution. And of course we have to be having more fun than the enemy if we want to keep it up. Thats the sense in which I mean “Party”.
I already ran one such party in December and it was a blast. I have lots of fun and competent people lined up excited for the next one. Supposing we do it, how should we make it maximally successful? Would love to hear your thoughts here.
My vision here is pretty simple: lets get together monthly or weekly in SF to eat, drink, and scheme SF’s future. We will invite the sharpest intellectuals, civic organizers, and tech executors to pool their ideas and resources to make things happen. The platform can be really simple to start with: we want to build lots of housing, transit, industry, etc. We want public order, an end to public sector corruption, and streamlined everything. What produces great results for a city is not rocket science.
The hard part and the real meat of it is the organizing and fighting and the coalition that comes out of that. How does one actually make such things happen? Again my first pass is simple: start by getting people in a room and brainstorming. Keep in mind ultimately that this stuff comes down to organized willpower and effective execution. And of course we have to be having more fun than the enemy if we want to keep it up. Thats the sense in which I mean “Party”.
I already ran one such party in December and it was a blast. I have lots of fun and competent people lined up excited for the next one. Supposing we do it, how should we make it maximally successful? Would love to hear your thoughts here.
referenced by: >>2337
With the election of