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Anonymous 0x3db
said (2w ago #2347 ✔️ ✔️ --- ✖️ ✖️ ):

Wokism Is Just Beginning


Nathan Cofnas argues that the institutional take-over from Boomers is going to further strengthen the woke power.

Nathan Cofnas argues (hidden) ✔️ ✔️ --- ✖️ ✖️

Anonymous 0x3dd
said (1w ago #2351 ✔️ ✔️ --- ✖️ ✖️ ), referenced by >>2352:

Wokism is just beginning, but so is the reaction. Yes most young people are post-liberal egalitarians. But you mustn't mistake this for some kind of baked in determination from God. Most young people are cowards who go along with the established thing when it's backed by the full force of the law and wall to wall media saturation. This is most of what woke is. When they run into real resistance, when those "convictions" have to be held under duress, they will evaporate like last year's bad fashion trends.

We who have held the faith in the fundamental inequality of man are stronger, because we have held it under duress. We have asabiyya because we have had to know who our real friends are, and have had the cowards weeded out of our midst. So yeah let's keep our heads about us and not get exuberant with the first taste of reversal, but our victory is assured in the long run so no black pills either.

Wokism is just begin (hidden) ✔️ ✔️ --- ✖️ ✖️

Anonymous 0x3de
said (1w ago #2352 ✔️ ✔️ --- ✖️ ✖️ ):


One thing that 2024 demonstrated is the preference cascades are possible. Several years of intelligent, clever advocacy (which can range from serious pieces to good shitposting), even when strongly opposed by the mainstream, can lead to a sudden "breaking of the dam" on one or more issues.

One thing that 2024 (hidden) ✔️ ✔️ --- ✖️ ✖️

Anonymous 0x3db
said (1w ago #2353 ✔️ ✔️ --- ✖️ ✖️ ), referenced by >>2355:

I'm wondering how much of it is due to the military failure of Russia, that has been fueling division in the West in part through promoting wokeism over generations. This is something that Yuri Bezmenov described in his book:

And in his lectures:

There's a recent wonderfully written thread by Saul Sadka that points out the same connection:

I'm wondering how mu (hidden) ✔️ ✔️ --- ✖️ ✖️

Anonymous 0x3de
said (1w ago #2355 ✔️ ✔️ --- ✖️ ✖️ ):


I don't think Russia's recent strength or weakness has much to do with the woke movement in the U.S.

I think that the progressivism in the West can be correctly described as communistic, but mostly in the sense that it is natively so, not in the sense of being controlled by secret puppet masters in the East. I don't doubt that the Soviets ran influence operations, but I think Western progressives would have done most of the evil they've done on their own in any case.

I think the U.S. has been a bad actor in Ukraine every bit as much as Russia.

I don't think Russia (hidden) ✔️ ✔️ --- ✖️ ✖️

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