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Creating Top Tier Educational Institutions Once Again

anon 0x456 said in #2568 4w ago: 66

>>2378 I thought this thread on material for educating the next kings was interesting. I wanted to shift the question to the design of the most elite and effective educational institutions both modern and from the past.


Quantico & West Point



What are other examples of *the best* and what led to their success at turning students into top talent? Can be any domain. Best monastery/seminary? Maybe YC and the Thiel fellowship are also examples of selecting amazing people and enabling their success? Perhaps there are examples of homeschooling regimen that allowed younger children to excel.

Curious what other people know about this type of this thing historically. I’ll put some of my thoughts in the first reply. If there are Palladium or other magazine articles about this, please link them as well.

Harvard ... 66

anon 0x456 said in #2569 4w ago: 66

Found some Palladium articles that are both topical:

Both are great. I will reference them in my main reply. This is just additional info for people to read here.

Found some Palladium 66

anon 0x457 said in #2571 4w ago: 00

The SSC articles on Hungarian education are pretty interesting. This one is about a homeschooling regimen that produced chess grandmasters:

The SSC articles on 00

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