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Calvinism as theory of recovered high trust agency

anon 0x416 said in #2463 2mo ago: 66


Very good essay on Calvinism as a jump to a higher trust regime. Feels similar to the project of sofiechan.

> Here's a rough explanatory model for why modern joint stock ventures, physical science, and medical science all seem to suddenly explode in the Calvinist areas. The Roman church held onto power on the basis of suppressing trust, and selling a simulacrum of trust. Under this regime, know-how and the sorts of relationships that formed the basis for mundane trust among the middle class gradually accumulated. A great number of smallholders became moderately wealthy by prudent management of their property and reputation-based trade. This gradually increased the potential returns to higher-trust relationships, until the printing press allowed a sufficient group of people to coordinate to jump to a higher-trust regime, suddenly breaking the latent tension.

Very good essay on C 66

anon 0x42f said in #2497 2mo ago: 33

Really interesting stuff so far. Will have to read more. Don't want to lose this thread. Bump.

Really interesting s 33

anon 0x432 said in #2504 1mo ago: 33

Hoffman has some good stuff. The Debtors' Revolt is another great one:

referenced by: >>2506

Hoffman has some goo 33

anon 0x42f said in #2506 1mo ago: 33

Oh i’ve read that one. Very interesting. I’ll definitely read the OP link then.

Oh i’ve read that on 33

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