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Sofie dev log thread 2025-03

admin said in #2667 7d ago: 66

New dev log thread because the previous one fell off the front page due to age. If still want to read it, it's still live in the meta tag. As usual, I'll post minor and major sofie channel changes here for discussion.

New dev log thread b 66

admin said in #2669 7d ago: 33

Just pushed up the first functionality of the follow/mute UI. It doesn't do much yet, just impacts the reputation of the person you're following a bit. Coming soon is the part where we reveal threads with people you follow, and match you with mutuals for dms.

Just pushed up the f 33

admin said in #2676 6d ago: 33

Added the "you" page for collecting all account-related functionality. It's replaced logout in the header, and that's where logout has moved. It also lists your persistent (named) nyms. I'm not listing all anon nyms because any serious poster will have dozens or even hundreds. I'm still figuring out whether we need anything else nym-related there. Let me know your suggestions.

The you page will be the home of dms as well. I'll write that up separately because it's a proposal, not a change yet.

Added the "you" page 33

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