anon 0xa8 said in #890 1y ago:
Having generalized graphic design ability has served me well at points, but it didn't give me any hard power. Same story with generalized web coding ability. I call things like this 'soft ware for soft power'. In recent years, hard power became way more interesting to me, and I'm starting to feel out what 'soft ware for hard power' is.
For example: over the past few months, I've been recreating my youth pursuit but for mechanical CAD. I can definitely say that generalized mechanical object creation ability is on a different level from something like graphic design. Generalized PCB creation ability is, I believe, on the same level as mechanical object creation. Another guess is genetic engineering (e.g. These things can absolutely get you bonafide Abrahamic Virtue if applied correctly (read: in harmony with the plans and laws of God and nature).
In short, I think 'soft ware for hard power' is the noble modern equivalent of the skillsets mentioned in
and of central importance for a viable plan out of the suicide cult. I'll end with some questions:
1. What other types of 'soft ware for hard power' exist? What are the best applications?
2. Is there a complete set? If so, what is it? (seems related to different areas of physics, i.e. mechanics vs e&m vs chemistry)
3. It's a shame that the best applications in these domains are usually very expensive. Could someone buy the companies that produce Rhinoceros 3D, Altium Designer, Benchling, etc. and open-source them?
4. This framing makes 'innawoods shell scripting + writing' computing look pretty soft. Is there a better computing paradigm that consists in part of bundling these together for use by all the 6sigma R1bers?
5. Degenerate soyjack 'hacker' cultures already exist for mechanical object creation, PCB creation, and genetic engineering. They're making things like LED dresses for transvestites and spider silk from yeast. Why haven't we co-opted these as of yet?
6. In recent years we've seen a reclamation of the means of production for mechanical object creation (CNCs, 3D printers, laser cutters, etc.), but even that domain can't be done totally independent of society. PCB creation is worse, and genetic engineering is worse still. How much of the stack needs to be independent to be effective in the case of an early schism from suicide cult? How much in the case of parasitism until takeoff?
referenced by: >>1940
I learned Photoshop