in thread "Towards an Illegible Computational Medium of Exchange": I love this. I'm not sure I can commit to help build it, but I'd like to build something similar as part of the basis for sofiechan. Send me dm on some platform or other and let's talk. ... 9mo ago (collapse hidden) 33 I love this. I'm not (view hidden) 33 If it's not clear, I'm wolf/admin. 9mo ago (collapse hidden) 33 If it's not clear, I (view hidden) 33 I think OP's sketch has to be taken as a vague dream more than a proposal. But it's a good one. Why 4000 dimensions not zk proof? I take it to be coming from the intuition that reputation and credit should actually be fairly high dimensional, context-speci... 9mo ago (collapse hidden) 99 I think OP's sketch (view hidden) 99 There's something profound in having only a vague and unprovable notion of even your own "total" trust situation. It tracks reality in some ways and encourages open-ended positive-sum behavior if done right. On the other hand, the less you know the less yo... 9mo ago (collapse hidden) 66 There's something pr (view hidden) 66