in thread "Towards an Illegible Computational Medium of Exchange": a key amplifier of centralized power is perfect knowledge of system state, as peasants resisting the census have known for millenia. this proposal tries to heavily tax such concentrations of knowledge 9mo ago (collapse hidden) 88 a key amplifier of c (view hidden) 88 OP here, I think you're right that something like ZKP is required, but high-dimensionality, social-network-situated reputations are needed in addition to the usual zero-knowledge guarantees. It's critical to illegibility that even you yourself not know ful... 9mo ago (collapse hidden) 77 OP here, I think you (view hidden) 77 really appreciate the fisking! ... 9mo ago (collapse hidden) 66 really appreciate th (view hidden) 66 Yeah the relational formulation trust(A,B) is redundant with the high-dimensional vector space, I was thinking the vector space could be a decent implementation of trust(A,B), e.g. by placing people's vectors roughly in the vicinity of the people they have... 9mo ago (collapse hidden) 44 Yeah the relational (view hidden) 44