Road Trip Week 4: The Soul of a New Taste Machine in San Francisco We're still becalmed in San Francisco, hanging out with friends, working a bit more on Sofiechan, and this week experiencing life in "the tenderknob". ... posted 9mo ago with 11 replies (collapse hidden) 1010 Road Trip Week 4: Th (view hidden) 1010 Defense against adversarial trolls is a different issue from moderating foreign content. ... 9mo ago (collapse hidden) 88 Defense against adve (view hidden) 88 That's very interesting. Indeed the way to think about it is that it just made the search rankings more like what the median higher class citizen wanted to see. I'm not too surprised a demographic-epistemic trade-off like this wouldn't impact bulk metrics ... 9mo ago (collapse hidden) 66 That's very interest (view hidden) 66 Good question. I'm fairly confident sofiechan is on the right track with all this cybernetic direct democracy and crowdsourced cyber-monarchy business. At least in concept, it coherently integrates a lot of the virtues of elite theory, monarchy, and democr... 9mo ago (collapse hidden) 55 Good question. I'm f (view hidden) 55 I'm sympathetic to the frequency rule. Taboo breaking is not what we're about, but it is important to be able to discuss. Therefore it should be suppressed to a nonzero level. Enough to establish that we assert the right, to blow the steam off, and to see ... 9mo ago (collapse hidden) 66 I'm sympathetic to t (view hidden) 66 This is great stuff. Interesting but not surprising find that most people just watch what's on the TV, especially those with weaker epistemics. Somewhat surprising though that they weren't seeking it out, or that their habits are that flexible. I guess it ... 8mo ago (collapse hidden) 44 This is great stuff. (view hidden) 44