in thread "Can Rationality Support Healthy Morality?": Your data sample is too small. Many Catholics and Evangelicals all over the country do this. Even in the SF Bay Area, my family had no trouble finding homeschooling groups of the latter sort. 5mo ago (collapse hidden) 22 Your data sample is (view hidden) 22 If you mean "rationalist" in the historical sense, rather than the Berkeley sense, then there is an entire tradition from Machiavelli to Hobbes to Schmitt that tries to do this at the level of polity. It doesn't try to replace religion, just to bracket it.... 5mo ago (collapse hidden) 22 If you mean "rationa (view hidden) 22 I would take a pointer from Strauss here and note that there is a great difference between the "classical rationalism" of Plato and Aristotle and the "scientific rationalism" that arose in the 1600's. They are both rationalist in the sense that they appeal... 5mo ago (collapse hidden) 77 I would take a point (view hidden) 77