How I came to believe in the goodness of God I was raised on what my mother called "natural history". The story of creation was one of billions of years in layers of bedrock. The story of life was the struggle of genes for resources and reproduction. When I met christians, they were the unsophisticat... posted 4mo ago with 21 replies (collapse hidden) 1717 How I came to believ (view hidden) 1717 This argument is necessarily highly compressed. No doubt it seems to be skipping the important part at one point or other. I'm happy to expand on it at any point. But I wanted to get the whole thing down for you guys. I obviously think this is among the mo... 4mo ago (collapse hidden) 44 This argument is nec (view hidden) 44 Yeah the Abrahamic God being "I Am" ie Being itself is notable here. As far as I'm concerned that's identical with Gnon; the tautological identity of reality cast as an authority. ... 4mo ago (collapse hidden) 33 Yeah the Abrahamic G (view hidden) 33 Let's start with the obvious implications: Are you having kids? Are you reproducing your philosophical perspective? Are you living and solving your problems with trust in the way your body was designed? Are you putting yourself into sufficient contact with... 4mo ago (collapse hidden) 55 Let's start with the (view hidden) 55 I'm glad you bring up Cormac McCarthy here. Did you know that Land also cites that exact passage in Xenosystems? And I myself read Blood Meridian at a tender young age so perhaps it influenced my intuitions. War is God. ... 4mo ago (collapse hidden) 44 I'm glad you bring u (view hidden) 44 There is also plenty of great theology of "God", much of it quite on point for this. Note OP uses "God" for the settled references to divine authority, using "Gnon" only as the transitional Landian concept. ... 4mo ago (collapse hidden) 66 There is also plenty (view hidden) 66 I should also mention that the Abrahamic "I Am" was this same kind of minimalist intersection: the raw Being of reality, and yet a god. 4mo ago (collapse hidden) 44 I should also mentio (view hidden) 44 The universe is structured as an escalating series of virtue tests with increasingly cosmic-scale rewards. Will we cross the cold gulf of space to colonize the stars? That's up to us. Are we up to it? Gnon has set a large reward for it. What else do you ne... 3mo ago (collapse hidden) 55 The universe is stru (view hidden) 55 But what would be your update, anon? ... 3mo ago (collapse hidden) 44 But what would be yo (view hidden) 44