in thread "How I came to believe in the goodness of God": This is precisely my belief. I'm sure some of it just rubbed off from OP over the past few years of his writings, but thought I'd add that I got my foundational ultradarwinism from Cormac in Blood Meridian and my Gnon belief from practicing the martial art... 4mo ago (collapse hidden) 33 This is precisely my (view hidden) 33 I had no idea Land cited the exact same passage in Xenosystems. If I hadn't had exposure to him before I would definitely update my priors. ... 3mo ago (collapse hidden) 66 I had no idea Land c (view hidden) 66 I read Struggle by Dr. Emmanuel Lasker (as recommended over in >>1429), and these are all terms he invents to talk about a generalized concept of 'struggle'. In Lasker's own words, "Words travel in the brain in fixed channels so that he who wants to expres... 3mo ago (collapse hidden) 33 I read Struggle by D (view hidden) 33