in thread "Sofie Calls, "spaces" on Sofiechan - feature request": I have also come to prefer voice over video. But likewise i prefer text for many things. Careful thought in dialogue is best done in public mid-length text exchanges ime. Thats why places like this are good. But maybe there is new kinds of fun and profit t... 3mo ago (collapse hidden) 55 I have also come to (view hidden) 55 Lets just hang out in person, anon. Discord feels like they want to turn you in like the stasi. I wonder how hard it would be to get claude to build a basic webrtc syatem for sofiechat though. 2mo ago (collapse hidden) 44 Lets just hang out i (view hidden) 44 Thinking a bit more about this, the thing to use would be Jitsi, which is an open source webrtc app like zoom. We could just set up an official sofiechan jitsi and then integrate it into the sofie UI progressively and experimentally. Anyone have good argum... 2mo ago (collapse hidden) 33 Thinking a bit more (view hidden) 33