in thread "Accelerationism": Is there a way to state this in terms of entropy / information theory that would hold across all these domains? 2mo ago (collapse hidden) 55 Is there a way to st (view hidden) 55 No one who's done work on this says "life is about increasing entropy," as if that were an explanation of life. The claim is that life is a dynamic structure that *decreases* entropy within a local boundary. This has the *effect* of increasing entropy more... 1mo ago (collapse hidden) 33 No one who's done wo (view hidden) 33 You're straw-manning. The claim is not that decreasing entropy is a sufficient condition, just a necessary one. Of course life has further requirements. That doesn't make the entropy consideration unimportant, especially if it can be related to intelligenc... 1mo ago (collapse hidden) 33 You're straw-manning (view hidden) 33