in thread "Not Superintelligence; Supercoordination": Formal logic was supposed to be this. Leibniz vision was that logic would replace argumentation, reducing conflict and enhancing coordination. I think it's still a viable project. We've only just managed to produce formal systems mathematicians are comfort... 1mo ago (collapse hidden) 77 Formal logic was sup (view hidden) 77 I can respond to both comments. I think the problem with existing logic is that it's too computationally demanding. What's needed is a more tractable deduction system. The goal wouldn't be have to people use a computer but to create a more sophisticated me... 1mo ago (collapse hidden) 22 I can respond to bot (view hidden) 22 Logic is actually great for modeling dynamic processes. Temporal logic, dynamic logic, situation/event calculus, dynamic epistemic logic, process algebras, etc. Lots of work here. 1mo ago (collapse hidden) 22 Logic is actually gr (view hidden) 22