Ideology is more fundamental than *just* post-hoc rationalization Mosca argued that every ruling class justifies itself with a political formula : an ideological narrative that legitimizes power. Raw force alone is unsustainable; a widely accepted narrative makes dominance appear natural. Internally, shared ideology unif... posted 3w ago with 10 replies (collapse hidden) 1212 Ideology is more fun (view hidden) 1212 This is exactly why material reality and ideology can't be separated. For us theorycels, they are two levels, but in practice, they interpenetrate to the point of being indistinguishable. Ideas only persist when they are enacted, and every enactment is a d... 3w ago (collapse hidden) 66 11 This is exactly why (view hidden) 66 11 Could you think of a robust argument against anthropomorphising machine intelligence? The biggest landian contention is that WTP can be raw or pure reduction of local entropy through extropy, though this is still too theorycel or abstract for me. 3w ago (collapse hidden) 33 11 Could you think of a (view hidden) 33 11