in thread "Book Club: Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy.": I feel that the contents of the sections Admin has laid out are so vast that we are going to need a new way to organize all our thoughts on Costin's work. One thread is probably going to make this way too disorganized. ... 13mo ago (collapse hidden) 66 I feel that the cont (view hidden) 66 I completely agree with this point. ... 13mo ago (collapse hidden) 77 I completely agree w (view hidden) 77 Costin's work also got me to thinking quite a lot about human genetics. What exactly is meant by "good" when it comes to eugenics? I don't think I have ever read concretely what Plato thinks are actually good qualities in humans, I have only ever read him ... 13mo ago (collapse hidden) 77 Costin's work also g (view hidden) 77