in thread "Book Club: Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy.": Well, the word "Chinese" is somewhat foreign to pre-modern civilizations that arose in China (geographical region). Nietzsche complains about the "English view" (of Hume). I'll try to disambiguate the word as far as possible so that it has a more concrete ... 13mo ago (collapse hidden) 44 Well, the word "Chin (view hidden) 44 Agreed, my initial thought with regard to measuring coordination on the channel was some measure of agreement on the quality of posts. If the aristocracy can agree on that ideally other productive actions should follow. 13mo ago (collapse hidden) 66 Agreed, my initial t (view hidden) 66 Agreed, the cover is what provides security, and provides a barrier to external threats (impeccability). For an internet community, especially considering possible threat models, this sort of barrier is far stronger than material security, say, in the form... 12mo ago (collapse hidden) 44 Agreed, the cover is (view hidden) 44