anon 0x464 said in #2589 3w ago:
How do we get there from here? How might we grow pockets of supercoordination even as AI rapidly becomes more capable and the people behind it consolidate their power, proactively countering this precise type of threat?
Branching from at OP's request.
>A supercoordinated group of people will be able to achieve their aims even against substantial resistance, and generally operate at a much higher level of social efficiency. -- anon 0x434
>...something like a fraternal society on steroids within an existing state. -- anon 0x435
In this thread I'll be introducing a strategy by which supercoordinated pockets may grow. Is it the right strategy? Does this strategy turn into a design and later become a concrete implementation if we just keep going? Maybe so.
Most importantly, will this strategy lead to pockets of supercoordination despite all manner of resistance? Maybe so, if we give it a serious try. Otherwise almost certainly not.
By sharing, I am driving a stake into the sand. We have to start somewhere. Hopefully others drive in stakes of their own and a dozen different paths get explored.
For a bit of fun we can envision the sequence of parts that follows as a growing prompt for the most powerful AI on Earth. At some point that AI will be capable of generating a sensible continuation of the strategy so far. Possibly even a concrete implementation. Is the day the AI projects this strategy to its conclusion the day we're truly hosed or does the strategy remain viable? Perhaps it is a question worth asking of every strategy.
Anyway, here goes. Interject at will with questions, comments, or concerns.
Branching from at OP's request.
>A supercoordinated group of people will be able to achieve their aims even against substantial resistance, and generally operate at a much higher level of social efficiency. -- anon 0x434
>...something like a fraternal society on steroids within an existing state. -- anon 0x435
In this thread I'll be introducing a strategy by which supercoordinated pockets may grow. Is it the right strategy? Does this strategy turn into a design and later become a concrete implementation if we just keep going? Maybe so.
Most importantly, will this strategy lead to pockets of supercoordination despite all manner of resistance? Maybe so, if we give it a serious try. Otherwise almost certainly not.
By sharing, I am driving a stake into the sand. We have to start somewhere. Hopefully others drive in stakes of their own and a dozen different paths get explored.
For a bit of fun we can envision the sequence of parts that follows as a growing prompt for the most powerful AI on Earth. At some point that AI will be capable of generating a sensible continuation of the strategy so far. Possibly even a concrete implementation. Is the day the AI projects this strategy to its conclusion the day we're truly hosed or does the strategy remain viable? Perhaps it is a question worth asking of every strategy.
Anyway, here goes. Interject at will with questions, comments, or concerns.
referenced by: >>2593 >>2596
How do we get there