in thread "Talent pool for the next regime": The merchant elite especially in silicon valley is so obviously incapable of the slightest political virtue that I fear you're right OP. No new political energy from that quarter, though maybe one or two will break from the herd as Peter Thiel did. ... 12mo ago (collapse hidden) 88 22 The merchant elite e (view hidden) 88 22 Good call. If you have a useful program, there are places to put it into practice. ... 11mo ago (collapse hidden) 88 Good call. If you ha (view hidden) 88 Great points. Waiting for collapse in incorrect. You are right that people hoping to be useful in realistic scenarios should be maneuvering into positions where decisions are made. The point of the new institutions program (as I see it) isn't necessarily t... 11mo ago (collapse hidden) 99 Great points. Waitin (view hidden) 99 Yes the system is subverting us. It gets its stupid little memes and incentives and enforcement up every nose and consistently pushes you away from what would make you strong. Can we do something about it? I hope so. I do what I can. Some good speculations... 11mo ago (collapse hidden) 44 22 Yes the system is su (view hidden) 44 22 strength means what everyone knows it to mean. It is the ability to apply force, which is the ability to overcome resistance to create motion. First and foremost, this is physical strength of the body, but also strength of the will, the organized community... 11mo ago (collapse hidden) 44 22 strength means what (view hidden) 44 22