in thread "Talent pool for the next regime": I asked Peter Thiel this question almost verbatim in late 2021, when he was supporting the Blake Masters campaign (which ultimately proved another of his failed forays into formal political power), and he said such reservoirs of aligned-by-default talent d... 11mo ago (collapse hidden) 88 I asked Peter Thiel (view hidden) 88 Vance is by far the less Thielian of the two. Private intelligence also reports that Thiel is generally pessimistic as to the performance of his political portfolio, and (at least conventional) political bets in general. 11mo ago (collapse hidden) 11 Vance is by far the (view hidden) 11 The more important aspect is that a smart, billionaire backed, non-establishment conservative had no expectation of tapping a talent pool outside of his own laboriously curated networks. 11mo ago (collapse hidden) 55 The more important a (view hidden) 55