Not Superintelligence; Supercoordination Everyone seems to be trying to arms race their way to superintelligence these days. I have a different idea: supercoordination. ... posted 1mo ago with 34 replies (collapse hidden) 1717 Not Superintelligenc (view hidden) 1717 The difference from network state is really just emphasis. A supercoordinated network-fraternity could and should seek sovereignty and territory, or could stay in an abstracted nomadic way. The supercoordination concept emphasizes the difficulty and centra... 1mo ago (collapse hidden) 66 The difference from (view hidden) 66 This is the big error of formal math and that branch of the enlightenment: thinking it can solve the deep foundational issues of faith. It can't. Faith is primary. But if you don't get bogged down in trying to do the impossible (prove your pet theory of Go... 1mo ago (collapse hidden) 55 This is the big erro (view hidden) 55 Yeah but I've always disliked this "sand god" idea. People don't have their ontology straight on this. AGI/superintelligence if it is anything will be mortal beings (or maybe some kind of uncountable plurality of being) like everyone else. The ubermensch i... 4w ago (collapse hidden) 33 Yeah but I've always (view hidden) 33 Yeah i’m going to have to join >>2560 in calling for more details. That sounds very cool. I wish to learn more about how to grow the new DNA of supercoordination. 4w ago (collapse hidden) 55 Yeah i’m going to ha (view hidden) 55 All very interesting, anon. Perhaps this vision of yours deserves its own thread. I see what you mean with microfibers of trust, but not yet what you are talking about with this supermemory idea nor the metaphor of DNA. Is the supermemory some kind of shar... 3w ago (collapse hidden) 55 All very interesting (view hidden) 55 Sounds interesting. I'd like to see it further developed in either an implementation or a more concrete formalism for how we might start collecting and computing on these microfibers of trust. ... 3w ago (collapse hidden) 33 Sounds interesting. (view hidden) 33 dwarf fortress, but AI 2w ago (collapse hidden) 33 dwarf fortress, but (view hidden) 33