in thread "Leibnizian Supercoordination": Anon, you're leaning heavily on proper names: Leibniz, Aristotle, Thomas, Christian, Strauss. ... 1w ago (collapse hidden) 66 Anon, you're leaning (view hidden) 66 I was actually looking for something like "he discovered the equations for electromagnetism." 7d ago (collapse hidden) 55 11 I was actually looki (view hidden) 55 11 No, that's not correct, because differential calculus was widely received within mathematics, from Newton as well as Leibniz, and our understanding of it in no way depends on alleged geometric proofs within an esoteric system. It's precisely the latter tha... 7d ago (collapse hidden) 66 11 No, that's not corre (view hidden) 66 11 There is nothing easier than to claim to have, or to have discovered, an esoteric system of great power, whose secrets you too can learn if only you spend time reading my material. ... 6d ago (collapse hidden) 55 11 There is nothing eas (view hidden) 55 11 As someone who has spent years patiently working through fairly difficult mathematics in the field of category theory, I find the notion that the problem here is that I'm just "in a hurry" merely silly. ... 6d ago (collapse hidden) 55 11 As someone who has s (view hidden) 55 11 I literally made no claims about the conclusions of category theory, whereas the whole point of your OP post was to make strong claims about Leibniz's conclusions. Your response is a petty non-sequitur. 5d ago (collapse hidden) 22 I literally made no (view hidden) 22 From the cited papers, these alleged discoveries are not part of the "geometric proofs" contained within Leibniz's "esoteric system," but rather work that Leibniz did openly that prefigures later discoveries. ... 5d ago (collapse hidden) 22 From the cited paper (view hidden) 22 This is ignorant nonsense. Several Fields Medalists have done work in category theory: ... 5d ago (collapse hidden) 44 This is ignorant non (view hidden) 44 Here are the precise words from OP: ... 5d ago (collapse hidden) 55 Here are the precise (view hidden) 55