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Not Superintelligence; Supercoordination
Everyone seems to be trying to arms race their way to superintelligence these days. I have a different idea: supercoordination.
posted 1mo ago with
34 replies
Not Superintelligenc
Perennial Science: Peer-to-Peer-Review in God as First Criterion of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty (February 17th, 2025)
posted 2w ago with
8 replies
Perennial Science: P
Supercoordination: A Specific Strategy
How do we get there from here? How might we grow pockets of supercoordination even as AI rapidly becomes more capable and the people behind it consolidate their power, proactively countering this precise type of threat?
posted 3w ago with
4 replies
Supercoordination: A
Radical political technology
JABowery is a pioneer of computer & space technology, but the last couple of years he's been thinking about how technology can allow humans to set up new forms of governance, operating from the level of an individual and scaling up (libertarian-conservativ...
posted 2mo ago with
no replies
Radical political te
The Jocks and the Nerds, allied against the Theater-kids.
"Warriors" and "Merchants" need to ally against the "Priests" - that would be the read from the perspective of Gaetano Mosca to our current situation.
posted 3mo ago with
7 replies
The Jocks and the Ne
This Thing Is Not Us. The imperative of cognitive separatism from the global american empire
I'm told "we" have a vital interest in defending Taiwan from China. Perhaps we do. Japan certainly seems to. I do like Japan. But then again, "we" also seem to have a vital interest in not quite letting Japan off the leash. I hear they are months from deve...
posted 2y ago with
9 replies
This Thing Is Not Us
Soft Ware for Hard Power
I learned Photoshop as an autistic youth who wanted to make logos and background graphics for friends' gaming YouTube channels. Thousands of hours of skill development there transferred to every graphic design software I've come across since (Illustrator, ...
posted 1y ago with
16 replies
Soft Ware for Hard P
Towards an Illegible Computational Medium of Exchange
You cannot be sovereign if you do not control your medium of exchange, if your enemies can insert themselves into every transaction and tax it or block it at will.
posted 9mo ago with
12 replies
Towards an Illegible
How should we do startups to retain teleological independence and win real power?
If one has ambition, talent, friends, and a good idea, one can build a successful company in Silicon Valley. But why? Money is nice; you ascend the bourgeois class tournament and get finer luxuries, more respect, better mates, better schools, better friend...
posted 9mo ago with
17 replies
How should we do sta
How to Found a Great House
posted 2y ago with
16 replies
How to Found a Great