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No to conventional education
I was thinking , connecting to how it would be better to educate a young prince, on how to get a better and more rounded education than conventional. More and more people every year are getting non-conventional education, many are homeschooled, others just...
posted 3w ago with 3 replies 55

No to conventional e 55

Education trough University or not
I think more and more people have realised in recent years that you don't need a university degree to be well-rounded and highly educated there is (of course) big resistance. What would be the steps to make this more societally acceptable? Not only would t...
posted 3w ago with 2 replies 44

Education trough Uni 44

Bad influences on my intellectual side
I have been having a hard time performing well in an underwhelming environment. Mostly because of people but also general vibes. I feel it is much harder to thrive in such an environment. I sometimes feel subconsciously justified in not pushing as hard as ...
posted 3w ago with 5 replies 77

Bad influences on my 77

Looking Beyond the Veil. Ben LT's Substack. On the esoteric mysticism involved in true science. ( posted 2mo ago with 3 replies 1010

Looking Beyond the V 1010