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No to conventional education
I was thinking , connecting to how it would be better to educate a young prince, on how to get a better and more rounded education than conventional. More and more people every year are getting non-conventional education, many are homeschooled, others just...
posted 3w ago with
3 replies
No to conventional e
Education trough University or not
I think more and more people have realised in recent years that you don't need a university degree to be well-rounded and highly educated there is (of course) big resistance. What would be the steps to make this more societally acceptable? Not only would t...
posted 3w ago with
2 replies
Education trough Uni
Creating Top Tier Educational Institutions Once Again
posted 4w ago with
2 replies
Creating Top Tier Ed
How would we educate a young prince?
In another thread we considered whether a more intelligent population would have fewer social problems. Some comments brought out the intriguing idea that for matters of the functionality of society, structure and regime and therefore education may matter ...
posted 2mo ago with
10 replies
How would we educate