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Geriatric Left and Progressive Right by Bronze Age Pervert
posted 4d ago with
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Geriatric Left and P
internet supplants america
Modern Americans have outgrown our republic.
posted 4w ago with
6 replies
internet supplants a
Ideology is more fundamental than *just* post-hoc rationalization
Mosca argued that every ruling class justifies itself with a political formula : an ideological narrative that legitimizes power. Raw force alone is unsustainable; a widely accepted narrative makes dominance appear natural. Internally, shared ideology unif...
posted 3w ago with
10 replies
Ideology is more fun
Perennial Science: Peer-to-Peer-Review in God as First Criterion of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty (February 17th, 2025)
posted 2w ago with
8 replies
Perennial Science: P
The Greater East Asia War
>Did our Greater East Asia War really result in total defeat? The former colonies that became battlegrounds all gained their independence during or after the war, and they have not fallen into white hands again. What are we to make of this fact? In the pos...
posted 3w ago with
7 replies
The Greater East Asi
Calvinism as theory of recovered high trust agency
Very good essay on Calvinism as a jump to a higher trust regime. Feels similar to the project of sofiechan.
posted 2mo ago with
3 replies
Calvinism as theory
Curtis Yarvin Says Democracy Is Done. Powerful Conservatives Are Listening.
Thread for discussion of the recent interview of Curtis Yarvin for the New York Times. I thought this was a great interview and am still in awe that the Times published this. Seemed unimaginable 4 years ago. My thoughts will be the first reply. Feel free t...
posted 2mo ago with
6 replies
Curtis Yarvin Says D
Against Yarvin's Absolute Monarchy
I recently watched the Yarvin interview on NYT. I want to argue against Yarvin’s position on monarchy. Yarvin makes his typical argument in favor of monarchy: ‘look around you, everything here in this room is built by a monarchy’ and ‘NYT is a 5th ...
posted 2mo ago with
7 replies
Against Yarvin's Abs
How a more intelligent/educated population would change the system
I have been thinking a lot about how a more educated population could both become just economically richer or understand/realize the flaws of the system and so create a better one based on less exploitation (as the current one) of less intelligent /fortuna...
posted 2mo ago with
9 replies
How a more intellige
San Francisco Reform Party Thread
With the election of some new more moderate folks into SF government and a more tractable national ideological climate, a bunch of us seem to be thinking the same thing: lets develop a new politics for san francisco. SF is uniquely upstream so this is also...
posted 3mo ago with
2 replies
San Francisco Reform