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Rationalists should embrace will-to-power as an existential value fact
Imagine a being who systematically questions and can rewrite their beliefs and values to ensure legitimate grounding. I think humans can and should do more of this, but you might more easily imagine an AI that can read and write its own source code and bel...
posted 1w ago with 3 replies 66

Rationalists should 66

Ideology is more fundamental than *just* post-hoc rationalization
Mosca argued that every ruling class justifies itself with a political formula : an ideological narrative that legitimizes power. Raw force alone is unsustainable; a widely accepted narrative makes dominance appear natural. Internally, shared ideology unif...
posted 3w ago with 10 replies 1212

Ideology is more fun 1212

Has anyone read a lot of materials on Accelerationism that wants to have a good discussion on pros and cons of this theory?
posted 2mo ago with 21 replies 99

Accelerationism 99

Here you can find some estimates of LLM efficiency: ... 4w ago 11

Here you can find so 11

The border patrol shooter was a zizian rationalist. Let's read ziz.
I love edgy philosophy. My general hunch is that the forbidden stuff contains truths that the nomos longhouse doesn't want you to know. Those truths give you important leverage against the established control structures, so it's a key move in the martial a...
posted 2mo ago with 3 replies 66

The border patrol sh 66

should we be anti-principle?
clickbait title but maybe you can help me out on this one. ...
posted 2mo ago with 5 replies 77

should we be anti-pr 77

Against Yarvin's Absolute Monarchy
I recently watched the Yarvin interview on NYT. I want to argue against Yarvin’s position on monarchy. Yarvin makes his typical argument in favor of monarchy: ‘look around you, everything here in this room is built by a monarchy’ and ‘NYT is a 5th ...
posted 2mo ago with 7 replies 88

Against Yarvin's Abs 88

Monarchy in Yarvin's sense (per OP) need not be hereditary and typically is not. ... 2mo ago 66

Monarchy in Yarvin's 66

How a more intelligent/educated population would change the system
I have been thinking a lot about how a more educated population could both become just economically richer or understand/realize the flaws of the system and so create a better one based on less exploitation (as the current one) of less intelligent /fortuna...
posted 2mo ago with 9 replies 77

How a more intellige 77

Is independent thinking still possible in an environment where escaping social media ecochamber is nearly impossible?
Is it possible to be an independent thinker in general? ...
posted 2mo ago with 6 replies 99

Is independent think 99

How did Effective Altruism get so big?
I disagree with many of the views behind EA, but I've been fascinated by how they managed to make institutions, build a scene, start companies, NGOs, get funding, etc. ...
posted 9mo ago with 14 replies 1919

How did Effective Al 1919