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Not Superintelligence; Supercoordination
Everyone seems to be trying to arms race their way to superintelligence these days. I have a different idea: supercoordination.
posted 1mo ago with
34 replies
Not Superintelligenc
internet supplants america
Modern Americans have outgrown our republic.
posted 4w ago with
6 replies
internet supplants a
Ideology is more fundamental than *just* post-hoc rationalization
Mosca argued that every ruling class justifies itself with a political formula : an ideological narrative that legitimizes power. Raw force alone is unsustainable; a widely accepted narrative makes dominance appear natural. Internally, shared ideology unif...
posted 3w ago with
10 replies
Ideology is more fun
Supercoordination: A Specific Strategy
How do we get there from here? How might we grow pockets of supercoordination even as AI rapidly becomes more capable and the people behind it consolidate their power, proactively countering this precise type of threat?
posted 3w ago with
4 replies
Supercoordination: A
Small Spaces by Simon Sarris. Why culture is created in small places
posted 1mo ago with
1 reply
Small Spaces by Simo
Is independent thinking still possible in an environment where escaping social media ecochamber is nearly impossible?
Is it possible to be an independent thinker in general?
posted 2mo ago with
6 replies
Is independent think
Ranking Socio-Economic Factors
I understand this tweet thread as saying there is some feature F that is mostly innate that determines the wellbeing and health of a society. Some people have F and when they're with others who have F, they naturally create the Good Society the way beavers...
posted 2mo ago with
7 replies
Ranking Socio-Econom
The Jocks and the Nerds, allied against the Theater-kids.
"Warriors" and "Merchants" need to ally against the "Priests" - that would be the read from the perspective of Gaetano Mosca to our current situation.
posted 3mo ago with
7 replies
The Jocks and the Ne