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Curtis Yarvin Says Democracy Is Done. Powerful Conservatives Are Listening.
Thread for discussion of the recent interview of Curtis Yarvin for the New York Times. I thought this was a great interview and am still in awe that the Times published this. Seemed unimaginable 4 years ago. My thoughts will be the first reply. Feel free t...
posted 2mo ago with 6 replies 1111

Curtis Yarvin Says D 1111

New Mag Cooperation - Rumors of Discontent
Palladium’s publication frequency has recently been inconsistent, with the most current article in the most recent issue dating back to 2022. Its purpose should be to provide a reliable platform for uniting thinkers and policy innovators from key hubs li...
posted 3mo ago with 12 replies 1010

New Mag Cooperation 1010

Against Yarvin's Absolute Monarchy
I recently watched the Yarvin interview on NYT. I want to argue against Yarvin’s position on monarchy. Yarvin makes his typical argument in favor of monarchy: ‘look around you, everything here in this room is built by a monarchy’ and ‘NYT is a 5th ...
posted 2mo ago with 7 replies 88

Against Yarvin's Abs 88

Monarchy in Yarvin's sense (per OP) need not be hereditary and typically is not. ... 2mo ago 66

Monarchy in Yarvin's 66

The H1B Question, “high skill” immigration, and the purpose of the modern state
We’ve got a growing rift on the pre-inauguration maga right. Elon and the silicon valley techlords want massively increased “high skill” immigration. The maga base and intellectual vanguard are done with immigration and want mass deportation of forei...
posted 3mo ago with 9 replies 66

The H1B Question, “h 66

The Jocks and the Nerds, allied against the Theater-kids.
"Warriors" and "Merchants" need to ally against the "Priests" - that would be the read from the perspective of Gaetano Mosca to our current situation. ...
posted 3mo ago with 7 replies 66

The Jocks and the Ne 66

OK, so that clarifies what you were thinking. ... 3mo ago 22

OK, so that clarifie 22

Throne, Altar, Freehold.'s classic defense of monarchist libertarianism ( posted 9mo ago with no replies 88

Throne, Altar, Freeh 88

Manifesto for the New Right
I saw this video recently, and was struck that the author (Rudyard Lynch) uses many of the same ideas that I have heard in person from the admin of sofiechan. This includes the idea that God is natural law and the followers of God's truth/natural law are r...
posted 11mo ago with 1 reply 44

Manifesto for the Ne 44